15 January, 2008

Echo Beach 102 review

Those that remember the youth quartet of Ramsay Street:

Scott (blond)
Charlene (curly blonde)
Mike (dark)
Jane (straight blonde)

will be delighted by a similar foursome here:

Susan Penwarden's son (blond)
Helen Lederer's daughter (curly blonde)
Jason Donovan's son (dark)
Susan Penwarden's daughter (straight blonde)

And it doesn't really matter who goes after who, because there's always a Hard Hitting Incest Storyline if the family trees get mixed up.

There's also a spare and quite irritating dark haired bloke (Glenn Robinson? Henry Ramsay?) floating around, and a random Hollyoaks couple who are running the Summer Bay caravan park. And an Asian girl with a mildly irritating voice. But the scriptwriters don't hold back on dealing these drama school graduettes some gripping dialogue, allowing them to fully display their vastly impressive acting range:

Evil is Afoot at the caravan park, which from the wideshot looks little better than a prisoner of war camp comprised of white portacabins:

Bulldozing it would be an act of mercy.

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