31 January, 2008

A second series?

This sounds promising, Martine McCutcheon is "thrilled" with Echo Beach:
Martine McCutcheon has declared that she is delighted with the reception of her new TV show, Moving Wallpaper/Echo Beach.

Speaking at the South Bank Show Awards, she said: "I'm really thrilled and I know that ITV are really happy with it.

"Apparently they're really happy with the audience that they've reached which is a younger audience. I think they're just waiting for it to go from strength to strength hopefully."

In the soap Echo Beach, Martine plays housewife Susan Penwarden and the actress revealed she can't wait to go back to film more.

"We just all want to film together again because we absolutely genuinely got on like a house on fire in Cornwall," she said."

Does this mean a probable second series?

1 comment:

snow white said...

Good job they didn't all get on like a trailer park on fire ....

The question is: will Echo Beach improve in a second series (like Eldorado) while Moving Wallpaper gets worse (The Office)? will they meet in the middle?